
Chupa VeKidushin (#509)

Rabbi Mordechi Farkash · June 16, 2021

The link to the Zoom (live class) is: https://zoom.us/j/94188021472?pwd=emd4UHV1M3ZabTVzNUgreFhMTVhvUT09

About Instructor

Rabbi Mordechi Farkash

Rabbi Farkash is well known as one of the most esteemed Chabad rabbonim, and is heavily involved in practical halachic rulings and guidance with regard Chupa and Kiddushin. He is the author of the sefer, "Seder Chupa V'Kidushin" — a practical guide on the subject, encompassing the instructions of our Rabbeim.

4 Courses

+38 enrolled
Not Enrolled
This course is currently closed

Course Includes

  • 32 Lessons
  • 23 Quizzes